Wednesday 29 June 2011

My inner book is about to hatch

Well it seems that way in that I keep fiddling with the Timeline and adding to the plot nuggets and character pile for the provisionally titled "Commonwealth of the Second Raj" .... a future history featuring the grossly obese post-sentient devolved Homo Yankicunti as the succulent but vaguely cannibalistic signature dish of the multi-stellar Britannia Balti Burger franchise ("the uberburger americans die for"


  1. LMFAO! I knew it! read my latest comment.

  2. P.S you forgot a parenthesis,Stephen King! :)

  3. Maybe this time, you could learn to blog as a decent human being and keep your unpleasant 'call a spade a spade' opinions to yourself and learn some political correctness like a Homo Sa[iens.

    In other words, Mr Simpson, stop being a Neanderthal.

  4. crushed me old dear you and i will always attract women who think they want to be abused where we differ is i make sure they really want that before i rape them you don't

  5. Unfortunately, Simpson, I'm really not into that sort of thing. And personally, I think men like you who have those sorts of 'impulses' should be chemically castrated.

    I'm aware there are women out there who are into that sort of thing. But one shouldn't encourage them.

    Sex is something that should be under the control of a woman, not a man. At least, in civilised society. And women, as well as men, should be reminded of that.

  6. well I'm not metrosexual so don't have to pander to the women are in control myth all i have to ensure is my women understand they are objects for my pleasure

  7. My point.

    Men like you should be put down.

    You're obsolete. Redundant. A drain on civilisation.

  8. pmsl ... yes I'm obsolete if you want society to stagnate but if you want progress then people like me who use who and what they can are essential - we drive society forward while you block progress. The basic equation of society is the battle between the progress of man and the consolidation of women. Let women win and the human race will go the way of the dinosaurs

  9. LMFAO Where do I begin?

    If this wasn't Crushed, who is about as sexually sophisticated [and exciting] as a potato, I would find this whole tete a tete quite a turn on! :)

    You're so alpha, Dave! I so LOVE the line that you make sure women actually want to get raped first. hahaha

    Keep .it.up.

  10. I just saw this:

    Crushed said...
    And don't ever confuse Carly's feelings for me with 'love'.

    It was a sick obsession.

    When you love people, you don't fight with them. Period.

    Crushed-First off, B.A was kidding about that*obviously* ,second, you're deluded if you think I 'loved' you or was ever obsessed with you. Who has been writing about whom for how many years now? Oh yeah ,5-not to mention the bombardment of neverending mails I get from you from time to time all these years later.

    And let's not forget how you always attack my male friends- Baht At, James, Gruffy, the other redundant Dave....yeah, it's always someone else with the issue ,isn't it?

    Women are just so fucking obsessed with you,aren't they Crushed? At least that is how you portrayed ALL of your exes to me.

    Sorry Crushed- you were always too faggy for me. I like MEN[ and preferrably men who like sex[and not with other [black] men!]

    Well, you can take the boy out of the prison.....

    But If you DO feel the urge to delight us with some steamy "you're-my-bitch",steamy prison sex stories, I am all eyes ,however.

    Your running commentary would be most welcome should he enlighten us, Dave. :)

  11. P. S Dave how do you know you're not the sexually objectified one whose sole purpose is for the woman's sexual gratification? And women just let you think you're in control?

    Continue with the homoerotica, boys... I'll just watch. :)

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