Real care free at the point of need for everyone. Now covering an extended before the cradle and beyond the grave period. No longer will you be forced to pay taxes to fund unnecessary and wasteful treatments for people you never knew and would never want to know. Real care for your loved ones and family funded by the new Real NHS helping you realise your hidden health assets. Health Improvement Orders that ensure wealth is directed to your care through companies that create wealth for those who want to help in this bold venture.
Real NHS - Real Care for Real People - Taking your hidden health assets to benefit you and those who want to help you in the Real NHS.
No longer will treatment be restricted by cost - everyone will get any treatment until resources are utterly exhausted.
At the first sign of need for Real Care our expert lawyers will obtain a Health Improvement Order for you to ensure our accountants can direct the maximum resources to your Real Care as quickly as possible identifying within minutes the transplantable organs and other meterials that will contribute to your care. Our surgeons can then ensure that these are used as soon as possible and in the most efficient mannner possible. Typically all your monetizable non-essential organs and materials will be converted into funding within two hours of your admission and thereafter a steady flow of your own less non-essentials and the non-essentials of your immediate relatives will be realised as your treatment progresses you will never be asked to make emotionally loaded decisions as to who and what contributes to your care and you will be comforted by the knowledge that only your relatives (and, optionally if you have a FriendCare Circle, your friends) fund your care. Real Care means you will never be a burden on strangers - before that awful possibility you will be safe in the hands of your relatives in a Real NHS FinalCare commerative urn (at a modest cost of one kidney or 3/4 liver of any adult relative under 50 - or a similarly qualified member of your FriendCare circle)
In the unlikely event of the FinalCare fee being unpaid within one week of our accountants certifying negative cost/benefit assesment your un-monetizable remains will make a valuable contribution to AnimalCare nutrition packs that are manufactured by commerical partners of Real NHS.
In addition Real NHS provides many avenues for the unwaged and others of low income to realise previously unaccessable resources to extend their benefits shoud they find those provides by the state These are typically at starvation double minus in covered outdoor group sleeping facilities for the newly unwaged - 800 calories per day for three months designed to correct the tendency to late onset diabetes typical seen in those with fuller nutrition, thereafter at OutcomeWatch 500 calories per day with uncovered outdoor group sleeping facilies with full protection from attempted cannibalism from fellow unwaged - this often speeds a Real Care FinalCare or Animal Care option via our commerical partners.
A full harvest of non-essential organs and other materials in a healthy adult aged 20 to 30 can in favourable circumstances provide upto 3 years deluxe benefits - giving a generous !,500 calorie diet in an individual sleeping area indoors. Further enhancements to benefits are available to adults aged 18 and over who volunteer in Real NHS sexual care clinics where suffers from excess wealth are encouraged to participate in (mainly sadistic) sexual therapy with volunteers - note volunteering is one time option and status as a sexual therapist volunteer ceases only on a Real NHS FinalCare or AnimalCare event. Such events may be imposed by patients undergoing wealth eradication treatments and are an approved exemption from Human Rights..
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